Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lazy Days of Summer

For me, yes. For Caitlin, not so much...she's taking swim lessons!! She LOVES the water, so nobody's dealing with my girl going nuts. (I'm still the lucky one with that privilege.)

In other news, Megan's 2nd baby girl, Jalaina, will be here in less than 2 weeks! I am so excited to be an aunt (again) and Caitlin's excited for another cousin, but I think she might be more excited to be seeing Jocelyn again.

Other than that, there's not really anything else to report...I made 2 As & 2 Bs in my spring semester classes-but according to everyone I've talked to, I'm more surprised than anyone else that I did that well.

Back to being you guys!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Birthday Weekend

Busy, busy weekend...usually is when the whole family is in town, especially Aunt Jenni (gotta love her and all of her craziness)!!

This past weekend we celebrated Grandma's 75th birthday-that house was crowded! It was the first time more than 2 members of the youngest generation (Caitlin, Jocelyn & my cousins' girls) have been in the same room at the same time...the girls had a blast-pictures coming soon. Lots of fun had by all, and lots of memories made this weekend.

Also this weekend marked Kyle's 32nd birthday. This has sparked comments such as "I want my daddy" and "Daddy's not an angel because he doesn't have wings". I think my sweet girl might be beginning to question what happened to her daddy, and not taking everything I say on faith anymore. She's growing up way too fast which scares me quite a bit...

Love you guys!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Deirdre the Cook

No, please don't go running for the hills....I just accomplished something that I never thought I would be able to-I made fastnachts for Fat/Shrove Tuesday (depending on how you look at it).

The tradition of going to my grandma's to partake of these yummy doughy delights has gone on ever since I can remember and was probably happening before I was born. However, this year was different-in recent years, my aunts have taken turns helping with the dough since Gram was diagnosed with Parkinson's. This year, I made the dough!! (Yes, the one who could burn water if that were possible.) I am so excited!!

In other news, Megan & Jocelyn will be here in two weeks, and the rest of the fam (aunts, uncles & cousins) will be here a few days after that for my grandma's 75th birthday-it will definitely be a whirlwind of a weekend!

Love you!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

What is This Country Coming To?

I heard about this story on the Glenn Beck Program this morning...I've got one word for you-WOW (and not in a good way). Just thought I'd share this; makes me glad I'm here in Texas and not in North Carolina!

North Carolina Schools May Cut Chunk Out of U.S. History Lessons - Local News News Articles National News US News -

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Darn progressives running this country!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

School Daze

Just thought I'd keep everyone up to date on various accomplishments for Cait and I...

Caitlin got her mid-year progress report, and with the exception of one little thing (Thursday is not a day in her week) she is rocking her teacher's world-or she should be if Mommy has anything to say about!!

I found out last week that I have been invited to join Phi Sigma Pi, which is the national honor fraternity , which means I will have to rush (NEVER thought I would do that, but would totally be worth it) in a couple of weeks...we'll see how that goes.

Excitement will run amok in the next few weeks as Megan & Jocelyn will be coming for a visit...when Jocie comes Cait will only be still when she's asleep, although I'm not sure what the difference is between how she normally behaves and when Jocelyn's in town. Gotta love my girl!!

I will post again next week when we find out if Meg's having a boy or girl...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Time flies when you're busy and not paying attention! For Caitlin & me, it's been a fairly uneventful few months-she's behaving herself in school, I'm practically acing college (with the occasional B), and we are slowly but surely getting into a routine...YAY!!!

Our holidays were quiet this year-Thanksgiving with Mya, Papa, G.G., and the rest of the Hammond clan, 2x the Christmas fun with the Cuthbertsons Christmas Eve and the Hammonds Christmas Day, and New Year's with Mya, Papa, Uncle K.C. & Aunt Danielle...good times, fun games & yummy food were had by all!

In other news, Caitlin's getting a new cousin!! That's right, Megan's due the first week of July-hoping for a boy this time...we love our girls, but it's time to throw a boy in the mix!

Will post more when more happens! Love you all!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

We did it!!!!

To quote Dora the Explorer..."WE DID IT!!!" (commence the dancing) :) Caitlin is potty-trained, and has moved from training pants to big-girl Disney Princess panties. How awesome is that? Way AWESOME!! My girl totally rocks! I'm a pretty happy mommy right now...:D! Thanks to everyone for their love, support, and advice.

She's having a blast in school too-learning her letter sounds, rhyming words, and same/different. She also has a basic concept of familial relationships, too...she knows Aunt Megan is Mommy's sister (I am reminded of that fact daily), and Jocie is her cousin-friend (we've coined a new term here, and she reminds me of that fact more than once daily...she's a smarty-pants, just like her parents). We're still a little shaky on the rest of the family, so we know who is truly important here...JOCIE!!! I guess that means :P on everyone else...

Mommy's gotten into the swing of things at her school, too-I've had to readjust my schedule to switch from French to Spanish (much easier, less stress), and I've had a teacher changed in one class due to a promotion within the history dept., and it looks like I might have another one due to health issues (different history class)...I'll know by Wednesday what's going to happen there.

Mommy's also gotten a little bit more conscious of our nation's governmental actions due to recent announcements and impending Presidential school speeches...not trying to make this a platform, but suffice it to say I'm more than a little terrified at the current swing of the political pendulum-it's going way off "track" (not exactly the word I am looking for, but you get the idea). I'm mainly getting involved for Cait's sake as she is a part of this nation's future, but this is also (unfortunately) history in the making; I need to be "anxiously engaged in a good cause" (direct quote from somewhere in the Book of Mormon-help me out & tell me where it is).

I'm going to try to keep the blog more current than I have in the past year or so since its creation...squeeze in a few posts between homework assignments!

Love you guys!