Friday, September 26, 2008

Hi everyone!

We made it through Ike okay, housewise-we finally got power back on Wednesday. I feel so sorry for Aunt Jodi and Uncle Dan, because they are still using a generator-that really sucks! Cait is still recovering from her fireant attack; she's fine, but I don't think I've ever seen that many bites on one person at a time-OUCH, my poor baby!

Sorry, no pictures of Ike damage-we are one of the few fortunate families that didn't suffer any damage. The Lord really looked out for us!

We love you all very much!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hey everybody! Sorry it has taken me so long to get more stuff up here-it has been seriously crazy the last few weeks, but maybe I can catch you guys up.

Kyle (my brother) and Danielle got married Aug. 15, so Megan and Jocelyn were in town for a few weeks. I started work again the next week, and I went back to school the last week in August. Choir rehearsals for our stake's "Lest We Forget" concert started the first week in August with the concert being September 13.

As if I wasn't busy enough, an annoying, pesky storm named Ike decided he needed to visit the second week of September. The concert has been postponed, both the school I work at and the college have been shut down and Cait and I have been staying at Grandma's-FUN!

Caiti has gotten so much bigger, and talks more-she is never quiet!! :) She gets cuter everyday, but please don't tell her I said that!

Love you guys and hope to see everyone soon!